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Dear All Reiki Channels,

Recently a saint died at the age of 51.  It came to known that he had been suffering from jaundice & health problems for the past one year, another saint in Punjab died of heart attack.   And the story goes on but a question definitely arises that –

  1. Why a saint could not understand his body language and supply the right, healthy needs.
  2. A real meditator’s energy is always higher than the common man’s.  How come he could not heal and revive himself from diseases, if he had a strong vital force and energy?  If he died of diseases then definitely his vital force was low and he could not supply the right healthful causes.
  3. Fruit always represents the quality of seed.  If the fruit (health) is bitter then definitely the seed was also bitter.
  4. A common man may not know the universal laws of body, mind and soul.  But at least we can expect a person on the path of spirituality to be more aware of this law for he must be an example of health to the world.
  5. I have treated more than 300 saints, spiritual teachers and priests of various religions, who have died of cancer, health diseases, kidney failure, diabetes, asthma etc. if a common man dies due to diseases it is expected, but if a saint dies of disease, it is questionable and raises a query as to why saints fall sick.

Every Religion on this earth has representatives in the form of saints.  The moment we think of a Saint, immediately a picture of a godly or a holy personality comes to our mind, enjoying all the Benefits of body, mind & soul.  He must be the fittest person among all – as he has enlightened himself with the ultimate laws of the Universe.  He must have full control over his Body, Mind & Soul.  If an ordinary worldly person becomes sick & suffers, it cannot be questioned as he is not well – enlightened about the laws of body, mind & soul.  For thousands of centuries several saints have come on this earth but Unfortunately most of them have suffered from various diseases like Cancer, Heart Disease, Joint Pains, Blood Pressure, Kidney failure, digestive disorders etc. But due to our unshakable extreme dedication and respect towards them, we have never questioned or doubted them in the past & we would never dare to question them ever, as we have been brought up with such values that we feel it would be a great sin & disregard towards our gurus.

With all due respect for your love & reverence towards your masters, I can not resist questioning that why do saints fall sick ?  

Saints suffering from a varieties of diseases is a very bad message to society. A person who claims to be enlightened with the laws of the universe, who has thoroughly understood God and His creation, why can’t he understand this miniature universe “The human body”. “Yatha Brahamande  – Tatha  Pinde” 

The human body is a small replica of this universe.  One is bound to understand the human body too.  Physical suffering denotes that one has missed or is ignorant of the simple laws of Human Body. Isn’t it strange that a person claims to be enlightened about the laws of mind & soul, but has failed to enlighten himself with the laws of human body.

“So what would you call this – A Profound enlightenment or A Partial enlightenment?”

As we all know very well that physical manifestation of disease is a mere flowering of an inner seed.  The true root cause lies in the subtle world of mind, body & soul. Without a proper cause nothing can appear on the physical level. 

Let us face the truth against all odds, I urge you to open your mind & consider these facts that I am presenting before you today.

If we look at all of our past & present Saints,  most of them are suffering from various physical ailments such as joint pains, cancer heart blockages, cataract etc., surely indicating a wrong lifestyle & ignorance about the law of the human body.

  1. Several Saints have attractive big tummies like a Sethji’s or a Lalaji’s, surely indicating a great love for tasty, fatty & unhealthy food.
  2. Several Saints have died of sudden Heart attack which indicates they were so ignorant like an ordinary person that they could not even feel the sensation of blockages developing in their chakras and the energy system. 
  3. Saints are expected to live longer than a normal human being, but several saints have died in their early age, indicating that they have never loved, respected & bothered about their body.
  4. Several Saints are bald, as they have complete loss of hair in their middle age, which is a sure indication of stress, restlessness of mind, deficiency of energy & wrong food habits, all of which has severely blocked circulation & created deficiency.
  5. Several Saints are addicted to tea-coffee, salt, sugar, butter, sweets, processed & fried food.  They do not even think twice about providing such damaging food to their body which usually a common man consumes because of his ignorance & wrong habits.
  6. The whole human generation has suffered for centuries due to cooked, processed & fried food, which has loaded him with several incurable diseases, degeneration & defects, and is till being  served happily & extensively in almost all the ashrams & religions places. Tonnes & tonnes of sweets & fried items are distributed to the followers in the name of “Prasad” at most of the religious shrines. They enjoy Chhappan Bhog in the name of God. I don’t understand whom are they trying to pander to, their own gratification or God’s?. God would definitely not like to see his best creation “the human body” contaminated or abused.
  7. Several Saints all over the world and of every religion are regularly gulping down loads of medications for their variety of ailments.  An enlightened master will never entertain any type of medicine in his body, as he would know very well that it would only suppress the symptoms to create an illusion of artificial health. Instead he would understand the root cause of diseases & symptoms and will eliminate those causes. Because every awakened master knows very well that his body has a tremendous power of self healing, striving all the time for balancing health & survival, medicine is never a solution for health restoration. Health cannot be gained by any medicine. There must be some laws of health by following which,  one can remain healthy all the time.

Saints And Cancer – A Very Bad Combination

How did these Saints get affected by cancer, for it shows severe depletion of vital force, weak immune system, highly toxic, poisonous and imbalanced blood chemistry, which is a byproduct of the negative emotions, stress, depression, toxic habits & wrong lifestyle. How come a Saint was so ignorant of this monster developing inside his body. Was he so unaware of the natural healing power of the body, natural life style, healthy food and health resources, that instead of healing his cancer naturally he surrendered to medications with full faith. Neither bothering to remove the true root cause of this disease nor supplying the essential healthy causes to his body, allowing the body to heal by itself.

 “Is this called enlightenment? Is this the true understanding of universal law of nature?”

The positive and negative flowering of your body is a perfect representation of your knowledge, faith & belief in nature.  You are the best judge to decide what this negative flowering of your body indicates?

I am an ordinary man like you living in this same polluted, unhealthy and stressful environment eating chemically fertilized food every day keeping myself perfectly & completely free from all kinds of diseases & sufferings for the last 40 years.  And this is not only with me but my whole family which includes my wife, son, daughter & my daughter-in-law too.

We can proudly & boldly claim that no power in this universe can make me sick except myself, Only if I desire I can get sick, it will be absolutely my creation and I shall be held responsible for my physical state.

Who would be interested in making us sick?
Who would want to bestow disease on you?

We ourselves choose to become sick consciously or unconsciously. Human body is designed to remain healthy  all the time. Every cell, every organ wants to demonstrate its full efficiency till its last breath, if you do not obstruct its function by your wrong life style, your body will ripen like a fruit and then detach itself from the tree of life naturally.

Nature does not recognize Saints, Doctors or ordinary Person. Nature treats everybody the same. Those who disobey its law, it punishes them and those who follow them & obey its laws, she blesses them with abundant health. Usually all Saints are one track minded people they just care for their soul & its liberation.  They neglect wealth & health.

The Major Root Causes Behind their Sickness

Nobody in this world will take responsibility for his own diseases not even our Saints.  If you ask them why are you sick? They will immediately start blaming outer forces like bacteria, viruses, pollution, fate, bad karma, god, planets, climate, past karma etc.  The body is designed to become sick is the Greatest Fallacy. 

Now, coming to the traditional common root causes:- 

  1. Living in extremes. (food, religious disciplines, environment, self tortures and habits).
  2. Excessive use of Milk & Milk Products. (A food with animal vibration and fast growing hormones, deranges whole blood chemistry, leading to serious diseases, Milk is one of the major cause of cancer.)
  3. Extensive intake of cooked cereals all the time. 
  4. Eating tasteless and unnatural food.
  5. Consuming Sweets, Fried Food & other damaging food. (In the name of Prasada)
  6. Lack of exercise. (Due to long sitting hours)
  7. Suppression of sex & other natural emotions.

Many Saints live in extremes, extremism is always dangerous.  Life is in the middle, like a string of Musical Sitar neither very tight nor very loose.  But many Saints prefer to live in extremes.

Almost all religious Saints live on traditionally cooked cereals and then silently suffer the after effects in later stages of life & blame old age, climatic changes & God for their diseases. Visit any of the Ashrams or shrines in India you will not find much difference for normal food, in fact, sweets & fried items are distributed more frequently in the name of prasada. The delicious halwa in all gurudwaras is very popular.

Nature does not recognize your tradition, habits, customs, compulsions, weakness, attitude, ignorance or civilization, it demands exact practice of its laws of health and nutrition like other creatures.  Failures in practice must lead to sufferings as nature knows no compassion. 

Reduce your cereal intake & observe the lightness & miracle in your health.  We are severely addicted to cereals. Since thousands of centuries cooked cereal has become a serious addiction.  Now, though mild it has an alcoholic type of influence on our body.  I am not just presenting my opinions, thoughts or my personal concepts but I have practiced it on myself, my family and thousands of my patients over the last 40 years.  My practice & experience has revealed these facts to me.

There are so many psychological factors which are involved but here I would like to conclude that Saints are suffering from several diseases – it’s an ugly truth. They have supplied their body with the cause therefore they have to bear these effects.  They claim to understand higher and complex things, but why have they failed to understand the most wonderful creation of God – THE HUMAN BODY?

Saints are great torch bearers of society, their clear understanding of the laws of human body & health can definitely lead humanity towards perfect health but only if they themselves practice it. Today they are emphasizing more on mind & soul transformation tomorrow they may transform the physical body too. 

They would thus be able to complete the missing link leading everybody to Sampoorna state of health of body, mind & soul and not a partial one.  I hope in the near future health will start from our Ashrams and not from Hospitals.  

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