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Reiki is an inherent natural quality and a miraculous divine gift present in every human being which can be effectively used to heal self, others and almost everything and anything in the universe (either distant or present) be it plants, animals, food, living, non-living etc.

Because Reiki is an energy that makes all life on earth grow and thrive, the results of Reiki treatments are especially visible in plants. You can even test this in the following way :



Plant, some plants in such a way that you treat half of them daily with Reiki, and let the other half-grow naturally, without Reiki. You will find out that the Reiki treatments will yield stronger plants.

When planting seeds, hold the grains in your hands for while before you plant them. Give them Reiki every day while they sprout.

With young plants, simply hold them by their roots for several minutes.

With potted plants hold your hand around the pot and treat the roots. It necessary you can also treat the leaves.

With cut flowers hold the stems for several minutes, and later  put your hands around the vase.

With 2nd Reiki Grade you can also treat your garden from a distance. A while ago we heard about a garden that was treated with Reiki from a distance and yielded a rich harvest of fruit while all other gardens in the area had a terrible harvest.

We can also especially help our forests with distant Reiki healing. And when you have a chance to be in a forest, you can hug a tree.


Even Non-living Has Energy

Everything in this universe is made up of Atom & every Atom has energy vibrating at different frequencies even non-living also has energy field. Obviously Reiki energises non-living too.

Minerals, such as crystals, precious stones and jewellery, can be cleaned or charged with Reiki energy. We hold these kinds of objects under running water for a short time and them hold them in our hands. Since matter is condensed vibration or spirt, it can be permeated by Reiki’s energy.

We know form our own experiences and from numerous reports received over the years that:

  • Car batteries can be recharged (please only touch the battery with gloves or give distant Reiki).
  • The ignition system of a car was repaired.
  • Jammed locks were opened.
  • Vibrations in a room can be substantially improved or charged.



Sometimes situations are difficult to analyse, but remember, it is always a good idea to give Reiki a try.

We can also give Reiki to the foods we eat and drink, so they will be enriched with universal life energy. It is really a spiritual blessing of the foods. Since all matter has a certain vibrating frequency, we can increase this frequency through Reiki. For example, If we eat in restaurants a lot, we are able to change the vibrations of the food (it is always possible that the cook in the kitchen was in a bad mood, in which case that vibration would be in the food). We hold our hands over our foods and drinks inconspicuously and this allows a better digestion of the food. It is also possible to apply your hands into your stomach after the meal.



We can also give our foods Reiki when we are preparing meals at home. Work with your hands as much as possible. Mix you salad with your hands and use them to knead dough. Everything that is touched with Reiki hands will receive this energy.


It has been reported that the taste of water or other  drinks charges considerably after  being treated with Reiki. This may be a good idea for an experiment.

Sprouts and seedlings which receive daily Reiki treatments will sprout much faster than that don’t! Try this yourself! Reiki improves the quality and nutritional value of foods and drinks.

Treating Animals with Reiki

Animals like Reiki a lot. Especially pets, such as dogs, cats, and birds-but also horses, cows, chickens, sheep and pigs. Sick animals will like getting Reiki. Animals gratefully take the energy in, they are not disrupted by their intellect. They immediately feel that something special is coming from Reiki’s hands!

When treating animals, be aware of how they run towards your hands. Animals usually show us exactly where they want the Reiki hands placed. It you move your hands, you can observe that animal will turn itself in such a way that your hands touch the original places. The animals  will also stay still as long as it needs Reiki, and this depends on how sick the animal is. Usually they can be treated for 20 to 30 minutes. Dogs stay still longer, while cats are very sensitive to energy will jump away earlier. Very sick animals can be treated for one or two hours. They will let you know when to stop, either they will jump away or stand up.

Also treat the organs which are connected to given illness. For example, the spleen (immune system), kidney (secretion), and head/throat in case of a cold. It is exactly the same as in humans. Long, daily Reiki treatments after surgery on an animal can accelerate the healing process.



Because Reiki affects body, spirit and soul, it is also very good  to, use on animals that have behavior problems or signs of abuse. Abused dogs cats usually don’t want to be touched at first. Later they feel Reiki radiation and calm down quickly. It can be helpful to pet them and to talk to the, Reiki would be very supporting for veterinarians, animal activists and animal homes. Especially an animal’s psyche reacts positively to Reiki. Often animals will lick the hands of a stranger who is giving them Reiki.

During workshops participants often report that their animals behave completely differently after they return home. Dogs that were surprised, sniffed excitedly, and some times ran away. After a while they come back, want a lot of love and act frisky. Sometimes they will show the complete opposite behaviors. A dog that wasn’t very accessible before became very friendly. There are similar reports about cats. In the first night after the Reiki treatment they will lie on their owners stomach or another body part, and even come into bed although they may have never done so before.

If you are treating a larger animal, such as a horse or a cow, your hands can be applied right on the affected body parts; for example a lame or swollen leg can be treated directly. If the leg is bandaged, put your hands over the bandage, Reiki will go through. This is also recommended on the head and behind the ears. Horses will usually let their head hang in a relaxed way and begin to doze off.

Distant Reiki treatments (2nd Grade) can be used with large animals living in the wild or with animals in a zoo. Animals are appreciative recipients of Reiki energy, and most often become very calm and relaxed while treated. Occasionally you will find a rare animal who rejects the energy and that must be respected.

The average animal however will experience the same benefits that humans do. The fact that animals are healed with Reiki treatments tends to prove that the belief system has little effects on the outcome of the healing, although faith in any cure does help.