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At RHF, we provide personalized nutrition plans that harness the healing power of food, helping individuals to nourish their bodies and spirits.

Dr. Sharma, alongside Dr. Savita Sharma, have pioneered the natural and raw food movement in India, guiding millions towards adopting a diet rich in fruits and raw foods. Their visionary leadership and passionate advocacy have not only transformed eating habits but have also cultivated a broader awareness of how personal health is deeply entwined with environmental sustainability and ethical practices.

Join Dr. Sharma and Dr. Savita Sharma on this transformative journey to foster a healthier, more compassionate world. Together, we can celebrate the vitality that comes from natural and raw foods, lessen our impact on the planet, and set the foundation for a thriving future for all.


Everyone is unique and so should their diet

Leading our mission at RHF is Dr. N.K Sharma, a distinguished naturopath and renowned author whose extensive experience and numerous accolades have established him as a foremost expert in holistic nutrition. His profound insights have contributed to over 1,000 articles in prestigious journals worldwide, making him one of the top 1% most cited food experts globally.

Get healed with your customised nutrition plan


Heal yourself with food

At RHF, we believe in the transformative power of food to heal and nourish both the body and soul. Our carefully curated Food & Nutrition Programs are designed to meet your specific health needs, helping you to harness the healing power of a holistic diet. Each plan is deeply personal and tailored to foster health, wellness, and vitality.

Each of these diet plans is more than just a list of foods; they are a pathway to better health, a deeper understanding of your body’s needs, and a celebration of the healing power of food. Join us at RHF to embark on your journey to wellness, guided by the wisdom of nutrition tailored specifically for you.

The Holistic Diet

This comprehensive plan focuses on nourishing every part of your being—body, mind, and spirit. Incorporating a variety of whole, unprocessed foods rich in nutrients, it supports overall health and wellness, balancing your physical and emotional state to help you feel your best

The Gut Heal Diet Plan

Targeted at restoring gut health, this plan includes foods rich in probiotics and fibre which promote a healthy digestive system. A healthy gut is essential for overall health as it’s linked to the immune system, mood, mental health, and more.

Diabetes Care Diet

This plan is carefully crafted for individuals managing diabetes, focusing on a raw food diet that naturally helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Incorporating low-glycaemic index foods, healthy fats, and plant-based proteins, it’s designed to minimize blood sugar fluctuations while enhancing overall energy.

Fast-paced Life Diet Plan

Ideal for individuals with a busy lifestyle, this plan ensures that you receive optimal nutrition without compromising your time. It includes quick, easy-to-prepare, nutrient-dense foods that keep you energized and focused throughout your demanding day.

Growing Children Food Program

Tailored for the unique needs of growing children, this plan includes a balance of macronutrients and micronutrients essential for development. Focus is on building strong bones, muscles, and a healthy brain to support their active and learning lifestyle

Weight Loss & Management Diet Plan

This plan focuses on sustainable weight loss by promoting a diet rich in vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, which help regulate appetite and metabolism. It’s designed not just for losing weight but for learning how to maintain a healthy weight long term

Constipation & Digestive Well-Being Diet Plan

A diet plan that targets a range of digestive issues, and it can help with both constipation and diarrhea. A complete gut focussed plan for microbiome renewal and regeneration.

Cancer Recovery Diet Plan

Supporting the recovery process for those battling cancer, this diet includes nutrient-rich foods that boost the immune system, fight inflammation, and provide the energy needed for recovery. It’s tailored to help mitigate the side effects of cancer treatment and enhance the body’s natural defences


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Question & answers – Nutrition & Diet Plans

Can we cure bad health through Raw Food?

Raw food diets are primarily composed of uncooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains. These foods are rich in essential nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants that are often lost in cooking. Consuming raw foods can enhance digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost detoxification, helping to alleviate symptoms of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune disorders.

Is it mandatory to eat according to time or as per our body requirement?

Eating intuitively—responding to your body’s hunger cues rather than adhering to a strict schedule—helps align your food intake with your body’s natural energy needs. This approach can improve metabolic health and reduce overeating. However, maintaining a regular eating schedule can also help regulate your body’s clock, which is beneficial for those with erratic eating patterns or who are trying to establish a healthier routine.

What is the ideal weight for a human?

Ideal weight is typically calculated based on body mass index (BMI), which considers height and weight, but it doesn’t account for muscle mass, bone density, overall body composition, and racial and sex differences. It’s important to focus more on overall health indicators such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, how your clothes fit, and how you feel rather than just the number on the scale.

How much protein is required for a human in a single day?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein for most adults is about 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. For those who are very active, elderly, or recovering from illness or surgery, protein needs may increase to support muscle repair, immune function, and overall recovery.

Are eating grains good or bad?

Whole grains are a healthy part of a balanced diet, providing essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for heart health and maintaining a healthy weight. However, refined grains have been stripped of these benefits and can contribute to health issues like obesity and type 2 diabetes. It’s best to choose whole grains like quinoa, oats, and brown rice.

Is fasting good or bad?

Fasting can provide numerous health benefits, including improved weight management, reduced inflammation, enhanced heart health, and possibly longer life. However, fasting isn’t suitable for everyone, especially those with certain health conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with a history of eating disorders.

How often can we be on fasting?

The frequency of fasting can vary widely depending on the method of fasting chosen. Intermittent fasting daily, such as 16/8 fasting (fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8-hour window), is quite popular. Other forms, like 24-hour fasts, might be done once or twice a week. It’s important to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most beneficial fasting schedule for you.

Why are milk & dairy products not good for our health?

While dairy is a source of calcium and protein, it can also cause digestive issues and discomfort for those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies. Some studies suggest links between dairy and increased risk of certain cancers, although the evidence isn’t conclusive. Alternatives like almond, soy, or oat milk can provide similar benefits without the drawbacks.

In what ratio should we take raw food and grains?

A balanced diet might include about 50-60% of raw foods (fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds) and 40-50% of cooked foods, including whole grains. This ratio ensures that you get a wide range of nutrients while still enjoying the benefits of whole and cooked foods.

What’s the easiest way to replace unhealthy food with natural/raw food?

Start small by incorporating one or two raw fruits or vegetables into each meal. Swap out processed snacks for raw nuts, seeds, or sliced veggies. Gradually increase raw food intake as you feel comfortable, and explore new recipes that incorporate more whole and raw ingredients. This gradual change helps your palate and digestion adjust without overwhelming you.

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