A “never before-work on myths and reality about milk is in your hand. The book contains and complies a long series of in-depth research work mostly first-hand, by its creator. But before delving deep into these serious affairs, a brief insight into the life, philosophy and worldview of the enlightened author will come in handy to the readers for a better understanding of the contents inside.

God does not make us sick
Dr. N. K. Sharma and his family belong to those rare revolutionizing breed of the families of the world which learnt, appreciated and led a completely natural life-style, adhering to the supreme laws of Nature. It comes to them so naturally that it has become a great source of inspiration for the millions throughout the world. Dr. Sharma firmly believes that nothing can make him sad or his body ill. He declares- “I have realized since very beginning that no God or Nature has even an iota of interest in making me sad, miserable or my body diseased. Illness goes also against the inherent nature of the human body which continuously and tirelessly strives towards health, balance and perfection. Taking this mantra even further, he concludes, “It is we who make or mar our health. In ignorance we condemn ourselves to a living hell. But choice is ours, always.”
A Guiding Light
Dr. Sharma couples’ vibrant health and very active life, which is full of energy and joy, has been a point of curiosity among his patients and deciples. They speculate about the secrets of their radiant health, very active life and the life full of joy. Today, even at 58 they look younger, healthier, brighter, and much active. With Ravi R. Kumar, during a rare encounter the great phenomenon called Dr. N. K. Sharma, shares his philosophy and worldview relating some major issues of life, which is not only inspiring but also a guiding light.
Q: Dr. Sharma, first tell me what is the secret of your radiant health?
To strive to attain perfection is the essential nature of all living beings in this universe. All of us are bound to this rule and we follow them effortlessly. For this adherence, no bookish knowledge or guidance by scientists or sages is required. In these matters our own body is our real guru which guides us in right directions through different signals and indications, provided we are prepared to listen its language setting aside our prejudices and attitude related barriers.
Hungerless Eating – A Way To Poisoning
I wait for true hunger, and just do not even think of food until I feel hunger, For us the right time to eat is when we are truly hungry. A specific time or any time-bound routine has nothing to do with eating. Therefore we are certain that whatever we eat is ought to be digested completely by our system. No chance of indigestion, constipation or other digestive disorders. Eating without true hunger leads to constipation, indigestion or other gastric problems. Freedom from these sufferings is not possible till the phenomenon of hunger is dealt with properly. When we feel famish and then eat something every part of the meal attains a divine taste, giving such a satisfaction that a sense of gratitude towards God comes to us spontaneously. For us, taking meals is not a routine job to be done under compulsion according to a strict time-schedule, it is like worship, like offering prayer through it, we honor the human body. We just don’t feed our stomach, we eat to satisfy our hunger therefore quantity is not the criteria, when you eat without real hunger you cannot decide when to stop. But a true genuine hungers always signals and guides the true quantity.
We eat very simple combinations
We know well that our digestive system is designed to digest only one type of food at a time. And for different food item, the medium of digestion and the time period required is different. Variety and multiple combinations essentially mean indigestion, rotting inside stomach and ultimately malnutrition. We do not take two solid food (two solid starch or two solid proteins) at one time. We never experience any stomach problem. The God has provided us with an excellent digestive mechanism, which is aptly designed to digest everything completely.
This is why with salad and green vegetables we take only one type of solid food, which is digested easily and completely. This paves the way for near solid stool, which passes in few seconds and is completely devoid of any foul smell. My formula is- “Eat like a poor, live like a king.” It reduces our expenses on food and fuel by 50% and time is saved. Moreover, health and energy comes to us as bonus.
It does not mean we totally refrain from enjoying different varieties of food. We do it while having party. But there too, we eat after feeling peckish. Because our system can easily deal with even heavy and variety meal if we are pretty hungry at the time of eating. On rare occasions even-wrong combinations of food too do not pose any problem. But when done frequently, it starts telling upon ones health. We (me & my family) up to the extent possible, do not mix food grains with milk, fruits, sour and sugars. We always take fruit as separate meal.
Natural food- True nectar of life
In this age of cooked food, we are largely dependent upon natural food. Because we have realized the truth that man’s original foods are fruits and nuts and not milk, food grain or meat etc. I know though our civilization can survive feeding upon grains, milk and meat etc. but staying in perfect health requires altogether a different approach. Because man can not eat them in raw form and their cooked versions have their own inherent harmful effects. While cooking we use ghee, oil, salt, spices etc. which adds to our woes.
In this age of cooked and processed food, it is difficult to live entirely upon the natural food. Such resolve may also push us in a perpetual tense state, because availability of quality natural food at all the time, in all circumstances could be a real problem. This may lead our mind to a state in which it is always anxious about the right food. Then this will become some sort of fanaticism, and thus turning virtues into vice. Extremism is always troublesome and unnecessary. Moreover our life is not confined to food only. Being a social animal, we ought to mix with others on social occasions. In this context our aim is not to concentrate solely on right food but on right way of living. This is why we have developed our food habit to suit both the worlds.

Q: Then what is your diet routine?
Morning Unboiled, brew tea or herbal tea, which hardly contains 1-2 teaspoonful of milk.
Breakfast Any of fresh fruit or vegetable juices and nuts, or nut milk or nut milk shake.
Lunch 2-3 types of fruits or sprouted pulses.
Evening Enjoy tea once more.
Dinner Salad in good quantity + one green vegetable + one solid food (either rice or chapaties)
In this way in 24 hours we take cooked food (food grain) only once. Sometimes, if we happen to take cooked food in afternoon then we go for fruits in the evening.
The whole world takes solid food thrice a day and all doctors and nutrition scientists suggest at least two solid meals in a day then why you go for only one?
Who says we eat less? In fact, we eat in plenty and never starve ourselves. Eating without the call of hunger is a sin but the greater sin is starving this human body. By rule, human beings should take less solid food and more water content. Uncooked natural food too should be preferred.
The sick vegetarians?
Taking food grains in larger proportion that too in cooked form, affects our overall health and leads to various diseases. See the vegetarians- who are heavily dependent upon food grains and milk (and milk products) and their health condition is no better than any non-vegetarians. They too are suffering from all the deadly diseases like cancer, AIDS, blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis etc. as the non-vegetarians do.
Cereals not for humans
Grains are not the original food for human beings, its adopted food. You may refer to my book- Anaj Ka Manav Sabhyata Par Hanikarak Prabhav (The Harmful effect of food grains on human civilisation) in Hindi for in-depth knowledge on this subject. Lesser the use of food grain, betters the life. Take food grains only when you perform hard physical work like horses and oxes, otherwise this grain will start eating you. It is one thing to remain just alive but staying in perfect health condition is altogether a different thing.
But total abstinence from food grains, salt, spices etc. may pose a problem in our practical day to day life. That is why, keeping a pragmatic attitude we must take these things in very small quantity.
Q: Don’t you suffer from any weakness?
Oh, no! Absolutely not! Eating is not that important, proper digestion and quality is more important, which provides us with great energy and power. Large amount of cooked food is never a guarantee for sound health, it can be insured only with required quantity of natural, uncooked food. It gives us necessary nutrition and energy for our day to day work. Cooked food take larger time for digestion and produces large amount of waste products. Whereas natural food is digested faster and leaves less residuals. Hence no heaviness, no sickness but abundance of energy.
Q: Does it satisfy yours hunger completely? Don’t you feel peckish most of time?
No, It is matter of habit only. People by taking larger amount of solid foods regularly enlarge the size of their stomach and gastric glands, due to which, fruit meal seems lighter and insufficient to them. But gradually when you start minimising your solid food intake and switch over to natural raw food, your stomach and other gastric glands return to their normal shapes and sizes. Then it is easier to satisfy them with raw foods only. For example, in my case 4-5 oranges or bananas or about 100 grams of nuts are enough to satisfy my hunger. “For me it is not important to stuff my stomach as much as I can but to satisfy the feeling of hunger only.”
Eat your food- let not food eat you
Remember one basic rule about the meal- If laziness follows after taking a meal think that the food is eating you, and if after taking a meal you feel energized, and charged then only meal is eaten by you.
So my suggestion to the new comers is- Don’t go for a change abruptly and hastily, switch over to the natural raw food gradually. And do not give up food grains, salt, chili, spices etc. completely. So that you could lead a very normal life with your family and the whole society. Otherwise your body may react sharply if you take something for which our system is not accustomed.
Q: Then how do you get your protein?
Oh, rubbish! Never discuss nutrition in piecemeal terms. This is the foolish language of wise people. Whatever we eat we get protein from it, without protein no food exists. Of course, the amount varies. When food grains, pulses, nuts etc. are green they contain small amount of protein but when dried, become rich in it. Dry wheat grain contains 14% protein (approx.) but after sprouting it becomes wheat grass and the protein contents in it is reduced to 1-2%. But this reduced protein content is easily digestible. Therefore never think on thin line. Only 2% protein contents are there in fresh fruits but this is high quality protein. Eating one kg or 1.5 kg of fresh fruits during 24 hours may easily give us 20-25 gms of required protein.
But the medical doctors have created a wrong notion among the common man. Still for the sake of answering your question, we get our protein from nuts, sprouts, a little from cereals, pulses. But our body does not need so much protein, just four serving in a week is quite sufficient to fulfil our protein requirements.
So please do not ask me now how do we get our calcium, ‘B’ complex or a particular mineral or ….. throw away all your chemical and calories chart, they are always misleading.
Q: But we have to be calorie conscious?
Ans. Never, this is utter madness, you cannot eat natural food in excess. Their water content and freshness automatically prevent you from overeating it is the only cooked processed. Dried & spiced food which demands restrictions.
Natural food never promote weight. By any means, if you eat 1 kg. almond which contain lot of Fat & Protein, if it is excess for you, you will get diarrhea. But not an ouance of weight will be added to you muscle.
Fragment the food, cook it, fry it, process it and you will add weight to your body.
So do not run after calorie chart weight programmes & tricks & get cheated. Adopt maximum natural food, weight & calorie will automatically be balanced.
Weight is by-product of right health, never care for weight, care for health & health will bring you your exact proportionate weight.
Never never go for dieting (the most dangerous word) go for right eating (the simples way to weight management).
Q: So what is your health formula ?
Ans. I eat when I feel hungry. I drink when I feel thirsty. I work only till my body allows. I sleep up when my body is refreshed. I go for nature’s call when body desire for it. I just follow my body language.
I do not think of health, No compulsion, No special care. I just live, I just flow with nature and its law.
There are no special food for health. there are no special method for health, there are no tricks for health. There are laws of health without which health is impossible.
Q: Any other secret you would like to attribute to your perfect health?
Oh yes. Right food is just one factor, the others are the regular exercise, positive mind, creativity pleasant family environment, my approach to life, all these contribute in their own individual way and play significant role in securing a perfect health. Most significantly among all these factors mentioned above, mind is the supreme factor which ensures total health.
Q: Do you exercise?
Of course. Everyday, without fail- no exercise, no food.
Q: Any special exercise which you practice?
I just don’t do specific exercise. I believe in natural exercise and body movement. I walk, I run, I climb, I play, I dance, I swim and I enjoy doing these things. I never do any special exercise or yoga, which is to be learnt from someone. God has endowed me with enough kind of exercises which works for a simple, professional person like me. I advise all my patients and students to dance everyday at least for 20 minutes and forget all exercise. Why? Because every act of your life must be playful, prayerful and without compulsion or fear.
It is the cooked cereals, proteins fats & processed foods which release high acidic metabolic wastages making your body stiff and sick. Natural food does not create any (Least) toxicity except fibres.
In fact, person living on natural food does not require much exercise or yoga, since our body is flexible and energetic enough for our requirements. (Grains and meat make our body stiff therefore they need various exercises to break down this stiffness, whereas natural food never stiffen your body. And it always stays flexible).
Moreover natural food generates so much energy that you are ought to jump run and dance exercise is not done, it comes.
Q: Anything else, besides natural foods which contributes to your radiant health?
Of course my mind and enlightenment. I have reached these conclusion-
The Philosophy of Life
- No person, object, incident or situation can make me happy or miserable. This is absolutely my choice. We can turn hell in to heaven, let’s shoulder this responsibility.
- The God, after formulating the laws of Nature, has gone for a long and never-ending sleep. Now your life is completely under yours command. Either you keep on crying on one pretext or other or just opt for smile, laughter, dance or enjoying this life- choice is yours. Either by living in lap of nature live for 500 years or consume tobacco and other poisonous elements and die of cancer in less than 25 years, again choice is yours! God has nothing to do with this. God exists nowhere as far as natural laws are concerned.
- I simply do not have time to feel or become miserable as I can not spare a moment and am too busy enjoying different rich and pleasant shades of life.
- Prayers is never of one minute or say ten-minute duration, prayer is for all the 24 hours. Prayer means- an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Enjoy every moment of your life to its full. Make every act of yours a prayer- an act towards God. Do everything as if you are performing puja(worship). For me, every act of mine from sleeping, waking up, eating, drinking, walking, bathing, studying, working, and sex- is an act of worship, a prayer. In fact for me, my whole life is a prayer and prayer and nothing else. I never prayed any god separately because the God and myself are not two separate entities. We are only manifestation of each other.
- Enjoy the real taste of life every moment which is all around you all the time. Sow the seeds of ananda (pleasure). Because the seed sown this moment will fructify in the future. This is why from very beginning I am continuously sowing the seeds of pleasure and am fully assured that the future has nothing in store except boundless pleasure and joy. In fact, future is non-existent for me; I know nothing except present.
- Image consciousness is just useless obsession. All the images we have for ourselves are actually pasted upon us by others, which we consider, by default, to be real one. This image, this ego keeps us restless throughout our lives. We are busy preserving and policing the false image, the untenable ego and in this whole exercise make our lives miserable. I do not carry any image for me. I have freed myself forever from this false pretense. Because I have realised the truth that it was not me who had selected my body, my face, my brain, my mind, or my qualities. So who am I to boast or hate these things. Whatever I am, I have to bloom like a flower and enrich this world with my fragrance, that’s all, nothing else. Whatever images is created by my deeds is the image but that is not mine, it is created by people and is in their mind only.
“I am a doctor”, “I am a Guru”, ” I am a boss”, I am a father”, ” I am a husband”, I don’t carry any of these images for me and hence I am a free person. Any praise or honour, reverence or insult credit or balance bestowed upon me carry just no meaning for me. Because I do not have ego or any image for myself due to which, all these render just meaningless. Since I do not invest even a second to create, polish or decorate or change my image, I feel completely boundless and free.
- The formula of acceptance- Accept everything as it is, never ask why or how. My formula is- This is it- accept it enjoy it or solve it. I have thrown out the words like what, why, how etc. from my life.
I have no complaint against the God. I rather wonder about His creation. Everything on this earth is acceptable to me, be it wise or foolish, humble or rude, day or night, filth or fragrance, thorn or flower, selfish or selfless- I can not label them or condemn them.
Don’t ask why, just accept it. Find out the ways to save yourself from thorns and come near a flower on any pretext. I accept my capabilities and limitations too. I also accept and respect everybody’s freedom, likes and dislikes, their individuality and uniqueness.
- Remain prepared for the following three things-
- For separation
- for being robbed of
- for death
- I do not do a favour or have such intention towards anybody. If someone is benefited by my nature or any deed, it is his luck; he was destined to be benefited. Only egoist people maintain a dairy for these thing and keep on making others realise about their so called virtues, benevolence or generosity. Love has nothing to do with these calculations.
- Everyone learns from his or her own experiences. Never impose your views, taste or rules on others. Only thing you can do is to make a suggestion and forget.
- Nothing made by the God is wrong. Greed, ego, anger, love, fear, sex everything is some sorts of energy. They are only used or misused. But these are the essential part of our life. We must use them for good cause. Do not waste your time trying to remove them, just transform these energies.
- I am to give only. I am not concerned about taking something from others. Whether somebody gives me something or not, respects me or not, I am just not concerned about these things. I am to live like a donor and not like a beggar.
- Be as simple as an innocent child. Keep on smiling, dancing, singing and so an.
- Every moment is a new moment, a moment of creation. So keep on creating something every moment because you belong to a great creator. Use every moment in learning something new because only who keeps on learning also keeps on flowing, like a small child he remains vibrant and alive. Person who has stopped learning has become stagnant also. In this case there is every possibility of getting rotten, becoming lifeless. Be it office or kitchen or just anywhere, we always remain creative everywhere. There are unlimited possibilities of creativity within a human being. One must realise it, explore it and create something new every moment. Also never become a routine person because every moment bring a new lease of life for you.
- I do not want Moksha (liberation). I do not have to search for any God, because search is meant for that which is distant and not before my eyes.
O God, I do not want to liberate myself from this world. I wish to take birth time and again on this earth. Because I have come to know that key to heaven or hell is with me. I am awaken now. Now even you can not separate me from my heaven.
This world is a beautiful place full of divine pleasure provided, we are fully aware about the truths of life.
● Live as you are, always remain your normal self. You are born with your own fragrance. Do not copy. Do not join the rat race. In the race for wealth, fame and honour you desert your real self and impose upon yourself ego and artificiality, which ultimately make your life miserable. For me work is workship, but people take their job as compulsion. For me, satisfaction is prime, wealth does not matter. But for others wealth is prime which never brings true satisfactions.