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Real People, Real Experiences

Testimonials from people who have undertaken RHF’s healing services, undergone our programs & completed our courses

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“I learnt Reiki in April 2013. During the reiki workshop, Guruji Dr N K Sharma told us about the power of the subconscious mind. I was quite surprised to hear about this new concept, but decided to give it a try. Here is what I experienced:
Migraine problem cured: I was suffering from migraine for quite some time. I used to have a migraine attack once in every 10-12 days and thus, I always carried a tablet with me. After learning about the power of the subconscious mind, I gave a suggestion to myself about getting rid of the migraine pain. It is now more than 5 months but I have not taken a single tablet for any pain! This was a miracle for me.
15 kg weight reduced: I decided to put this amazing concept to one more use. My weight was 80 kg which I thought was on the higher side. So on 1st June 2013, I gave a suggestion to my subconscious mind that in 45 days (i.e. by 15th July 2013) my weight would get reduced by 10% (i.e. 8 kg). I took the weight again on 15th July and I was completely taken aback when I saw that my weight was exactly 72 kg! As per the standard height-weight chart, my weight ideally should be 68 kg. So I again used my subconscious mind. And, now my weight is exactly 68 kg.”

Atul Madan 'Hemant' - Clinical PsychologistJullandhar

“In the year 2006, my mother got seriously ill. Her Blood Pressure shot very high and because of this, she suffered a sudden attack of Paralysis. The right portion of her body, especially hands and legs were affected. There was a mild impact on her face as well. We all are firm believers in Reiki so I decided to give Reiki healing to my mother. At this stage, another Reiki Master Mrs. Nirmal Mazumdar also helped me. Both of us started giving treatment to my mother and she started responding very well to Reiki. Within a span of one month, there was unbelievable improvement in her condition and she became fine.
In June 2010, I suffered another set back, when I also had an attack of Paralysis in the right portion of my body. It was a very critical phase in my life. I again took to Reiki healing. After continuous healing, I started recovering from the problem. Soon, I became fine. Medical tests from AIIMS reveal that I have completely recovered from the problem and all my body organs are now functioning properly. I have no words to express my gratitude for Guruji-Guruma and the infallible Reiki power which has helped me overcome such crucial phases in my life.”

Dr. Anjana BakshiDelhi

“I was extremely obese and weighed an enormous 130 Kgs a few years back. I realised that obesity was a curse that not only caused discomfort in daily life but was life threatening as well. I also had a low-paying job. In all, life was not as it should be. Finally, I learnt about the power of the subconscious mind and decided to lose weight and acquire a high-paying job using the positive affirmations. “Health is wealth” and “Taste is waste” and such other affirmations came to my rescue. I also used affirmations to change my job. I am happy that I lost almost 40 Kgs using the affirmations and right diet combinations told by Guruji. I am trying to lose weight further. I also got a wonderful job using the positive affirmations. Life is now as it should be!”

Amit SharmaDelhi

“I was suffering from a lot of pain in the abdominal area for some time. Besides, I used to get fever in the evening. I could not understand the reason for the pain and fever. When the problems increased, I went for a medical checkup. The doctor advised to get an Ultrasound done and I got it done on 9-10-2012. The report indicated that there was a big stone in the ureter near the left kidney. The doctors advised me surgery. However, I have immense faith in Reiki power. Therefore, I refused to get the surgery done and contacted RHF for Reiki healing. RHF agreed to perform the healing and said I required Psychic Surgery. Psychic surgery (which is taught in the Reiki III Degree course also) was performed. During the surgery, I suddenly felt a mild jolt and a shiver went through my body. I could not understand what had happened but I suddenly felt a lot of relief. Next day, I was asked to get ultrasound done again. Therefore, on 11-10-2012, I got the test done. In the report, what I and the doctors saw was unbelievable! The stone had disappeared from the ureter. Since then, I have not suffered from evening fever. I have no words for Guruji-Guruma for this miracle.”

Nilanjana LahiriDelhi

“I stay in Odisha. Once I had go to a relative the Retd SP of Raigarha. A small child aged 3 years was crying incessantly in the house. When I enquired I came to know that the child was unable to pass urine and was having immense pain in affected area. I requested them to allow me to see the child once . They let me see the child. It was around 6 pm that day. I sat there and performed a session of psychic surgery, cleaned the entire urinary passage of the child and gave Reiki healing to the child for about 15-20 minutes. Around 6.45 pm, the child stopped crying and passed a little urine. Then, I again checked the status. At 7.30, the child passed urine normally and was absolute fine.”

Reiki PractitionerOdisha

“Shri Rohit Kumar (name changed), suddenly fell seriously ill in the year 2007. He started suffering from loose motions, weakness, loss of appetite and a drastic loss in weight. Earlier he was 69 Kg, but after falling sick, his weight reduced to 49 Kg. Despite lot of treatment, there was no improvement in his condition. Due to extreme weakness, his condition became so critical that he had to be immediately admitted in the Hospital for treatment. He was admitted in St. Stephen's Hospital Delhi, where he was diagnosed Positive for HIV-1. However, the doctors told him that there was no cure to his problem and that the chances of his survival were very bleak.
Shri Rohit was completely dejected and disheartened. He even went to RML Hospital but after conducting the tests, they also confirmed that he had HIV-1 disease. A copy of his test report is given here.
Rohit's Haemoglobin (Hb) level dropped down dangerously to 3.8. It was so low that he used to suffer from severe headache dizziness and weakness all through the day. He was prescribed ART Tablets which is a standard treatment in this kind of disease. After taking the treatment for some time, he began to feel slightly better. But, suddenly, his condition again deteriorated and he had to be again hospitalized.
One night, he was feeling so restless and was in such great pain that he was unable to sleep. The night looked difficult to pass. He had once heard about Reiki though he was not much aware about it. So in the midnight, he called Shri Santosh of RHF and requested to give Reiki healing. Shri Santosh, quite devotedly did the healing. Consequently, Rohit could sleep properly and the night passed peacefully. This proved to be the turning point for Rohit. Early morning, he contacted RHF office and started to take regular Reiki healing from RHF. Within a week, his situation improved drastically and he started feeling like a normal person. His energy level increased tremendously after taking Reiki. Finally, he decided to learn Reiki and heal himself. He then himself learnt Reiki and has now started healing himself. He is much better than before and feels that it is Reiki that has saved his life and pulled him back from the clutches of death!”

Critical HIV PatientDelhi

“I have learnt Reiki and have been getting its benefits in various aspects of my life. Then I decided to learn RHF's Reiki IIIrd Degree course which is quite famous because Psychic Surgery – a wonderful procedure – is taught during this course. Psychic Surgery is a technique of performing surgery for any problem. During the training session, students are asked to practically perform a surgery.
I was suffering from a big gland in my throat. It used to be visible from outside. I also used to have irritation and pain due to this gland. There were 2 more glands in my body- one at the back and another in my leg. I had got these 2 operated sometime ago. The 3rd one in the throat remained. Therefore, during the training session, I decided to perform the psychic surgery on that 3rd gland present in my throat. After the session was over in a few minutes, I opened my eyes and checked it. Lo and behold, the gland had completely vanished! I could neither feel it from outside, nor see it nor did I have any irritation. It was a miracle of psychic surgery which I experienced. I am grateful to Guruji-Guruma for teaching me this amazing power to cure such a serious problem in a few minutes. I strongly recommend that besides learning Reiki, everyone should learn Psychic Surgery!”

Onkar SinghDelhi

“One day, I was going to my workplace and on the way, I saw that some people had gathered on the road. I went to find out what had happened. There I saw that a security guard was lying on the ground and he was having fits of epilepsy. People gathered around him were only in a state of panic but did not know what to do. I asked them to get aside and then I placed my one hand over his forehead and the other hand on his chest. I gave Reiki healing to him for about 3 minutes. The security guard's fits stopped and he began to feel normal. It gives a great sense of satisfaction to give a new lease of life to someone. I am grateful to Reiki for making me able to do this welfare.”

Jatinder SinghOdisha

“My 2-year old daughter had been suffering a lot as she could neither eat nor drink anything. If she tried to eat or drink, she would vomit or cough. It gave an indication that there was something wrong with her throat or digestive tract. Therefore, on the advice of the doctor we got some tests done and found that her food pipe was constricted at a place due to which whatever she ate came out as vomit. We tried all sorts of therapies – Allopathic, Ayurvedic and all other kinds of treatment. However, when everything failed and there was no relief in her condition, I was very dejected. Then suddenly someone told me about Guruji, Dr N K Sharma and suggested me to try Reiki for my daughter.
I finally came to Guruji for help. He advised me to learn Reiki at least upto 3rd level (Psychic Surgery) and do the healing myself. So I learnt Reiki. The 3rd level wherein Psychic Surgery is taught was undoubtedly marvellous. After learning it, I immediately tried it on my daughter and gave healing for her food pipe problem. Within a few days, she got relief and started to eat and drink slowly. It was a turning point in my life. Since then, I have been regularly healing my daughter and she is now almost fine. I have no words to express my thanks to Guruji and the divine Reiki power due to which today my daughter has got a new lease of life.”

Jai PrakashBangalore
Dowsing Testimonials

“I was having some problem in my eyes right from my school days. After reading for about 15-20 minutes, my eyes used to pain and I could no longer bear the strain. Reading or writing continuously had become impossible for me to do. I left no stone unturned to get my eyes treated but there was no relief at all. Doctors suggested that the shape of my eye was faulty and recommended surgery to cure it. However, I was quite averse to surgery. Later, I came to know about Dowsing and Reiki courses of RHF. When I learnt Dowsing, I immediately started healing for my eye using it. In a couple of days, I started getting benefit. After 7 days, my situation improved so much that I can now read continuously for several hours without any problems. Though I use spectacles but I am sure with constant healing, soon there will be no need for me to use them. I am extremely grateful to Guruji- Guruma for their help and support.”

Smt Balbir KaurDelhi

“I took workshop with Dr. Sharma in Bangalore to enhance my dowsing experience and I was impressed with the knowledge and skill that Dr. Sharma brings and presents to his class in an easy follow form. "Dr. Sharma in any case is a Master Dowser, who is one of the Prominent Dowsers in India. I highly recommend all interested in dowsing to join his classes. The Art of Dowsing is an ancient practice going back at least 5000 years. Dr. Sharma is a Master Teacher of this with amazing skill. Once again I would like to reiterate the importance of learning new skills and techniques to help oneself in a variety of needs. So to Dr. Sharma a toast to you for your vast experience in teaching the variety of skills and techniques with continued passion.”

Raaj Kumar SBangalore

“I have been using Reiki with Dowsing for healing for quite some time. With dowsing, I get answer to any problem in just 2 seconds. It is a wonderful way to treat various types of problems and diseases. Some of the cases I have treated with the help of Dowsing & Reiki are – aura cleaning, stomach-ache, headache, back pain, skin problems, dehydration, knee pain etc. It is amazing to see the instant effects of Reiki & Dowsing!”


“Dowsing course is excellent in its present form. I had done it 10 years ago, but after repeating it I got to learn many new things. For example, the aspect of healing with dowsing was included earlier but I found it very useful this time. It helps in increasing knowledge. I have been using dowsing for the past 10 years and have got 100% correct results. I recommend this course to everyone.”

Dr Sarita JainBangalore

“Details of a person revealed: One of my acquaintances approached me with a person's name (Sanjay Arora/Amritsar) and wanted to know more about his details though nothing was known about him. Through dowsing, I came to know that he has 2 kids, had suffered loss in business. The dowser also told that the person was having a serious mental disturbance and his house had been sold due to his various problems. So, it was only with dowsing that all these details could be ascertained.
End of life predicted: One of our relatives had been seriously ill for some time, as there was an acute blockage in the brain due to clotting of blood in the brain. Despite best treatment, his condition was deteriorating. Along with all others, doctors had also lost hope. So, on asking, the dowser informed me that the person would die within 10 days. The person actually passed away on the 8th day of dowsing.”

Pooja DhingraDelhi

“I never imagined that dowsing technique could be so useful. It not only helps to find the right course in life in every field but also works wonderfully in the field of healing. I have learnt and started using it. The best part is that it is immensely accurate. I thank Dr Sharma for designing this wonderful course. He teaches it so systematically that it becomes extremely easy to understand for everyone.”

Nirmal ChopraBangalore

“The dowsing course was very good. It has been very scientifically designed by Dr N K Sharma. After doing the course, I learnt the technique of finding missing objects also. It helped in locating a black magic object placed in a house which nobody was able to find out. Dowsing gives us the right direction. It also includes a wonderful way of healing people. I cured my cousin's back pain within no time. It is simply amazing!”

Vinod BhatiBangalore
Past Life Regression Testimonials

“I did the PLR session just to see the cause of my present life problems. In the past life I saw that there was an earthquake and fire all around. My whole body became stiff at that time. In the year 2100 I saw that I died in a accident involving fast moving trains. During astral travel, I went home and as I lighted a lamp in the mandir (temple) of my house, I saw almost 200 spirits around me who were quite happy and gratified. They all blessed me. I also came to now that the problems in my life are due to these spirits. I also tried moving a photo of the gods in the temple. I am sure Reiki and the PLR session would help in solving my problem.”

Dr. Vaish

“In the past life I saw that the year was 1932 and I saw myself as a small child. It was a hilly area. Suddenly, a few men came and caught hold of my father and dragged him and then shot him dead. I also saw my mother there. She is the same as I have in my present life. Then those men took me and my mother to some secluded place and shot both of us too. Then they opened fire and killed all the people who had been kidnapped and locked there. In 2100, I saw myself with my son. It was some place outside Delhi. I was having my own office and my son had booked a new car for which he was asking money from me. Overall it was a good experience.”


“I went to Chittorgarh & confirmed the entire episode seen during PLR when I went into the past life some time back, I saw that I was born as queen Roopmati of Chittorgarh. I used to live with king Baz Bahadur of Chittor. While, we were living peacefully, some other king attacked our fort. Baz Bahadur while trying to defend was arrested and later killed by the other king. When that king tried to forcibly marry Roopmati, she committed suicide by swallowing diamond. I saw this entire episode happening clearly during the Past life regression. I was so surprised that I actually went to the fort of Chittorgarh and confirmed whole scene which I had seen. Amazingly, the whole thing was perfectly true! Later, when I saw the painting of queen Roopmati, I realized that it has a close resemblance with my present photo. Past Life Regression is indeed an astonishing and wonderful manner to find out past secrets!”

Dinesh M DoshiSurat

“In the past life, I was a farmer. I could not see the year or place. I was wearing farmer's dress and a bamboo cap over my head. Then I suddenly saw that someone barged inside my window and murdered me with a knife. My body was burnt and the soul colour was yellow. In 2100, I saw myself on a chariot wearing a gorgeous dress. People all around were welcoming me and showering flowers on me. In 2015, I saw I was driving a car and I shall be having a flat in Delhi. For last 2 years, someone had been doing black magic on my house. I saw that an astrologer, who was also involved in my murder in the past life, is doing this magic. This PLR session has been quite useful.”

Robin Sarkar

“In 1952, I was a 12 year old Christian girl named Sara. I saw my grandmother and my father. The place was 5th Street and then I died of Cancer in 1972 at the age of 40 years. My soul was smoky white. In 2100, I was 21 years old living in a foreign country on a high rise building with transparent glass below. In 2020, I would be leading a normal life, and we may shift to a new house. During astral travel I went home and saw my father doing some work. I also changed the place of a purple crystal. I talked to my uncle who died in a car accident some time back. He told me he would come back.”

Vipul Sharma

“In 1923 I was a priest in a temple at Saabarkundla in Gujarat. I was surprised to see my face changing every 5 seconds. My name was Ashish and I died a natural death at the age of 80. I was cremated as per Hindu rituals. I saw that problems in my present life are there because I committed a theft in the temple and due to curse of a lady who lived with me. In 2100, I would be an Afro-American named Mauris and will own a business of flying taxis. In 2015 I will be busy with my work and in 2020 I will turn spiritual. During astral travel, I went home and saw my parents. In 2014 elections, Congress will be in power and Shri Rahul Gandhi will be the Prime Minister.”

Hetal Dixit
Naturopathy Testimonials

“Lost 12 kgs in 2 months through natural diet. I attended the Reiki course of RHF about 3 months back. During the course, Guruji Dr. N K Sharma told us about the ill-effects of eating cereals and guided us about the miraculous effects of raw diet and natural food. At that time my weight was 76 kg. Since then, I completely stopped taking cereals and other harmful food items. I have been living only on fruits and dry fruits since then. I also reduced the intake of milk considerably. Within a span of 2 months, I have lost more than 12 kgs. Now my weight is 64 kgs. I plan to continue with this diet plan. It is so amazing that though I am not eating regular food, I feel much more energetic and fresh. Raw food is simply great!”

Renu BalaChandigarh

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